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省住建厅、中热协领导;省十六地市供热管理部门的分管领导;设计院、高校及国内外业内知名企业负责人; 行业经销商、代理商、工程公司代表等。


 Synchronous Forum

一、The council enlargement conference of Shandong Gas& Heat Association( the gas company of 16 cities)

★The stuff of participating in the forum

(1) The main leaders of the vice-chairman, executive director, director and member units of the Provincial Gas Thermal Association; the responsible leaders of the thermal management departments of 16 prefectures and municipalities, the managerial technicians responsible for comrades and heat supply enterprises; the leaders of domestic and foreign thermal and thermal groups; the research and development of technical equipment in the international and domestic thermal industries, and the students The person in charge of the production unit and the heating business enterprise, etc.

②We invite the director of the Ministry of housing and urban-rural development and China Gas Association, the relevant head of China National Petroleum Corporation/ Sinopec Group, the leader of Shandong Housing and Urban-rural Development Hall, Shandong Bureau of Civil Affairs, Shandong Quality and Technology Supervision Bureau and Shandong Public Security Fire Bureau, the leaders of city/Country Housing and Urban-rural Development Committee( Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Developing), The Urban Administrative and relevant Industry-supervised Bureau to attend the meeting.

③We specially invite Chinese Academy of engineering to hold special lectures.

 二、China Clean&Heating Industry Development Forum and New Product& New Technology Conference

★The stuff of participating in the forum

①The leader of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China, Shandong Housing and Urban-rural Development Office and China District Heating Association, the head of Radiant Heating & Cooling Committee of China Construction metal Structure Association and The Professional Heating Committee of Gas Branch of China Civil Engineering Society; the experts, professors and technicians of Institutions of Higher Learning, Research Institutes, Planning Institutes and Designing Institutes; the industry leaders and domestic well-known experts.

②The main leaders and members of Guangdong Gas Combi-boiler Chamber of Commerce; the division head of 16 cities’Heat & Gas Administration Department

 三、Academic Annual Conference of Central Heating Branch of Shandong Urban Economics Society and Shandong Urban Heating Technology Summit Forum

★The stuff of participating in the forum

①The main leaders and secretariat personnel of Shandong Urban Economics Society,  institutional members, individual member,all the directors and executive member of the council.

②The leaders of heat administration department of cities and the management and technical personnel of heating enterprises; the person in charge of international and domestic heating industry equipment and materials manufacturing enterprises, the franchiser,engineering installation enterprise and estate development enterprise.

③The experts, professors and technicians of Institutions of Higher Learning, Research Institutes, Planning Institutes and Designing Institutes.

④The industry leaders and domestic well-known experts.

 四、Shandong New Clean Energy Efficient Use Summit Forum 

★The stuff of participating in the forum

The leader of Shandong Housing and Urban-rural Development Office and China District Heating Association, the division head of 16 cities’gas administration department; Designing Institute, Institutions of Higher Learning and responsible person of domestic and foreign famous enterprises; the industry dealers, agents and engineering company representatives.

 五、The Docking Conference of New Technology and New Products of the Leading Enterprise

免责声明:《政、商、企、媒强强联合,打造21年专业品牌盛会》仅代表作者个人观点,与采暖之家招商网无关,如涉嫌违反相关法律规定或侵权,请发邮件至573440622@qq.com或 联系QQ573440622删除。。
